Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Herbohi soul piece place

Mehl Khan Of kalat

Hindus in Kalat City

Religious Beliefs Kalat

Besides Muslims, an important Hindu minority lives in the district. They enjoy full liberty to practice their religion. Kali Devi’s temple which is a famous worship place for Hindus is located in the city of Kalat. Holi and Deevali are the two major festivals which the Hindus celebrate with all the religious fervour. Hindus organize a fun fair in the Kali Devi’s temple every year. Hindus come to participate in this fair from various parts of the country.

People belonging to various sects of the Muslims and of other religions live in the district with complete tolerance, peace and harmony.

Monday, May 12, 2008

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About Kalat

Kalat or Qalat (Urdu: قلات) is a historical town located in Kalat District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Kalat is the capital of Kalat District and is known locally as Kalat-e Baluch.

Kalat, formerly Kilat, is located roughly in the center of Balochistan, Pakistan, south and slightly west of the provincial capital Quetta. It was the capital of the Kalat Khanate. The population is almost completely muslim.

The town of Kalat is said to have been founded by and named Kalat-e Sewa, after Sewa, a legendary hero of the Brahui people.

The origins of the Brahui speaking tribes are uncertain, but their language indicates they are a Northern Dravidian people whose language has been modified by residence in the proximity of largely Iranian peoples, most notably the Baloch with whom the Brahui have been greatly mixed. The Brahui people had already long been resident in the Kalat area when the Balochi speaking tribes arrived from the west. The Balochis established a large kingdom in the 15th century, but it soon declined and the region fell to Afghan and Iranian invaders. The Brahui Khans of Kalat were dominant from the 16th century onwards until the arrival of the British in the 19th century. A treaty was signed in 1876 to make Kalat part of the British Empire. In 1947, Kalat became part of Pakistan when the British withdrew. The last Khan of Kalat was formally removed from power in 1955, but the title is still claimed by his descendents. The current Khan of Kalat is Mir Suleman Dawood Khan.

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